Recently I was having coffee with a friend. While we were talking, he asked me a rather unusual question. That question was: ‘What did I think people approaching retirement, and those already retired, feared the most?’ It got me thinking. In my day job I work with a lot of...
I continued to ask on a very regular basis both inside and outside my work environment about the complexities of residential aged care. So, I thought I would take the opportunity in this week’s blog to quickly do a recap on some of the issue and try to explain the...
Last week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison called the election we all knew we had to have. We will officially go to the polls on 18th May. I am not going to discuss the policies of the major parties in this article. I will leave that to the media and the...
Well, another Federal Budget has been delivered to the Australian public. On 2 April 2019, The Hon Josh Frydenberg delivered his first Budget as Federal Treasurer. The good news is that the Budget has forecasted a return to surplus of around $7.1bn in 2019-20. Australian will earn more than it...
Blog Authors

Peter Kelly
PK believes people have the right to accurate, affordable and unbiased information that addresses all aspects of their preferred retirement lifestyle, thereby giving them the opportunity to make informed decisions that will empower them to live out their lives with dignity, certainty and security.