It seemed like a good idea at the time!

Do you ever stop and wonder why you made certain decisions in the past? More specifically – do you ever question what you have purchased, that has now become a significant ‘millstone around your neck’. As we journey through life, we often acquire things that “seemed like a good idea...

The ‘super’ silly season

For some reason, that always seems to evade me, the end of the calendar year is often referred to as the ‘silly season’. Apparently the term has its roots in the media, and refers to that time of the year when news is slow and the media is reliant on...

Perspective: the way you see something

Over time your perspective can change. This is influenced by numerous factors including age, education, your varied life experiences, family, a circle of friends, and no doubt – travel. I myself am a good example of changing my perspective over time. Especially if I recount my own personal experiences from...