Superannuation & Retirement Planning

For many Australians superannuation is not a priority, particularly when we are younger. However, superannuation is becoming increasingly important because for many it’s the largest investment we will make outside our family home. With the introduction of mandatory superannuation guarantee for all employees and the generous tax concessions that apply to superannuation, this tax structure should be considered for all investors.

We are experts in developing strategies that will allow you to make the most out of the superannuation system. We consider appropriate super fund selection, consolidation, contribution strategies, insurances, salary sacrifice, transition to retirement, investment selection and more when providing advice to clients. We can take the pain out of managing your superannuation day to day.

Retirement planning is an area of advice which Emerge Financial Services specialises in providing clients. We can project how long your superannuation will last in retirement and whether you will be eligible for the Age Pension. The earlier you start to plan your retirement, the greater opportunity you will have to implement strategies to boost your retirement savings for an enjoyable and financially stress free retirement.

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