Should life be this difficult?

I recently heard a story of a couple in their late 60s who are providing for themselves in retirement. They have never applied for the age pension. The story goes that they believe they would be entitled to at least a part age pension, however, their visits to Centrelink (even...

Can you lose your adaptability?

The simple definition of ‘adaptable’; the ability to adjust oneself readily to different conditions and circumstances. My observation in others, as well as myself, is that as we grow older our ability to cope with change becomes more difficult and paralyzing. My understanding of new technology is very limited. I...

To downsize, or up-size?

You’re probably wondering what I’m talking about when I ask the question, “to downsize or upsize?” Yes – I’m talking about your home. No doubt most of us have asked ourselves these questions at various times, “Do I need a bigger home?”, or, “Do I really need this much space...