ANZAC Day, as we are all aware, is a national day of remembrance in both Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations and the contribution and suffering of all those who have served. But,...
As we move into the start of the fourth quarter of the financial year, it is timely that we turn our mind to tax planning and the things we need to be considering as 30 June looms ahead. Firstly, you need to be very mindful of the correct timing of...
What am I talking about? I will try and provide a very simple explanation. The “Superannuation Sweet Spot” is recent terminology referring to the amount of money a person or couple needs to have saved in superannuation to ensure they achieve a reasonable level of income while maximizing their age...
We have previously written on a number of occasions about the risks of internet-driven identity theft and perhaps, more importantly, the theft of our hard-earned savings. But did you know that thousands of Australians have indirectly ‘given’ billions of dollars of their super to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)? This...
Blog Authors

Peter Kelly
PK believes people have the right to accurate, affordable and unbiased information that addresses all aspects of their preferred retirement lifestyle, thereby giving them the opportunity to make informed decisions that will empower them to live out their lives with dignity, certainty and security.