World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was June the 15th. It has been held every year since the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse established the commemoration in June 2006. What is elder abuse? It is any act which causes harm to an older person and is carried out...
Last week I had a call from a colleague and friend, let’s call him Henry (not his real name). Henry is a financial planner working in suburban Sydney. For the past couple of years, Henry has been invited to speak at a Men’s Breakfast in his local community. His invitation...
You may recall I wrote a blog a number of weeks ago outlining my ambitious plans for retirement. Part of this plan was an intention to live the life of a nomad for 12 months driving an expensive motorhome from one glorious location to another. Just me, my partner and...
Regular readers of our blog will be familiar with the work that the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) does in producing quarterly estimates of just how much it cost to live in retirement. Tealey and I usually sit glued to our computer screens following the end of each...
Blog Authors

Peter Kelly
PK believes people have the right to accurate, affordable and unbiased information that addresses all aspects of their preferred retirement lifestyle, thereby giving them the opportunity to make informed decisions that will empower them to live out their lives with dignity, certainty and security.