Walking a tight rope, without a safety net

Just ten months ago the government released its 2016 Budget. Amongst its many pages were the most far-reaching superannuation changes in a decade. But, where are we today? Well, we have had an election that saw the government return by the very slimmest of margins, but most of the superannuation...

Rent Assistance – Am I eligible?

What is Rent Assistance? According to the Guide to Social Security Law: “Rent Assistance is a supplementary payment added on to the pension, allowance or benefit of income support recipients and low-income families in the private rental market, in recognition of the housing costs they face.” Put simply, it is...

Do happier people live longer?

I am no doctor, psychologist or research scientist so the following blog is written not from a scientific point of view but from my own experience, observations and readings over a long period of time. I have always enjoyed physical activity, whether it be running, biking, surfing or paddling. I...