Reality Check

Australians are pretty good at having the occasional whinge. From time to time we all like to complain about how hard we are done by. Perhaps we believe we pay too much in tax, the increasing costs of living and power prices, housing has become unaffordable, the health care system...

Aged Care – Accommodation costs

Entry to a residential aged care home is traumatic for all concerned, and a decision that is never taken lightly. The process is complicated and can be quite lengthy. A question which I am often asked during this process is – how can I afford to pay the Refundable Accommodation...

Affordable housing – Is super the answer?

In its 2017 Budget, the Government announced several measures designed to ease the pressure on spiralling housing prices, particularly in the East Coast capital cities of Melbourne, Sydney and to a lesser degree, Brisbane. I was in Sydney recently on a personal visit and couldn’t help but notice the eye-watering...

Dementia – An unpleasant fact?

Dementia is not a single disease; it is an all-encompassing term describing a range of symptoms that cause parts of the brain to deteriorate progressively. Dementia affects memory, perception, behaviour, language and personality. Alzheimer’s is the most common and well-known form of dementia. I am not going to attempt to...

The secret to a long and happy life

Living a long and happy life is something that will be found on most people’s list of wishes, desires and goals. But that is not surprising. With average life expectancy of Australians now running well into our eighties, it is undoubtedly a universal goal that we will all want to...